Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Misery !!

Feelin hateful to myself since discovered that i forgot such a big day for a special and meaningful person in my life...Then, Now also Future. This memorable day happens annually, but this year i truly hopelessly forgot it. Juz found up after weeks...how can this happen?? Such an awful mistake for Vale, bro also for sis... Unpredicted.
Another Misery is numbering. Since when ages does matter, for Vale?? Feelin sorrow, although in the mean time feelin Glad and Proud towards Vale's special idol, for still caring us till this old ages... Nevertheless, similar as his lifetime partner. Love both of you much.............................[INFINITY]........................................!!
Truly (bottom of Vale's Heart), i will completely try my best to achieve high...
Juz to take over the role and burden, and let both of you enjoy the ages ahead. You both deserve way better life and wealth, compared to now...

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